Connecting ICT solutions to Digital Literacy, digital resilience and digital mindfulness in the era of I4.0 to create Innovative Learning paths for Youth

6 European partners working together to foster digital mindfulness and digital literacy
The DigiMind4Youth Project

Duration: 15/02/2023 - 14/02/2026 (36 months)
Project Number: 2022-2-EL02-KA220-YOU-000094914
Programme: Erasmus+
Action Type: KA220-YOU - Cooperation partnerships in youth
Funded by: the Greek National Agency for Youth – Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation
What are our project aims?
The DIGIMIND4YOUTH project started as a response to the ever-evolving digital society where I4.0 and I5.0 are already upon us. The project target groups, youth workers and youth organisations, youth trainers and other educational providers are all in need of advanced digital literacy skills as well as resources to tackle their digital navigation and avoid any risk of digital burnout and allow for their sensible use of technologies.

The DigiMind4Youth project aims to empower, support and build resilience skills to the target groups and create respective educational resources and tools.
project aims are:
To address digital transformation through the development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity resources and tools.
To address digital mindfulness - defined as “a recognized state of mental exhaustion and disengagement occurring when people are required to use numerous digital tools and apps concurrently and in an ongoing way”.
To create and promote learning opportunities for young people and youth organisations but also training providers.
To improve the competences of educators and other youth training staff.
To create ready to use, work-based training resources for organisations and professionals working with youth.
To prepare young people, youth workers, training providers and stakeholders of challenges posed by Industry 4.0 (I4.0) and the respective technologies and tools.