A way to prevent Digital Burnout is to practice Digital Mindfulness

A way to prevent Digital Burnout is to practice Digital Mindfulness. 💻

Mindfulness is, by definition, the ability to be aware of where we are and what we’re doing without being overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. 

Digital Mindfulness does not consist of simply taking breaks from technology, but it helps you to create a more sustainable relationship with it. This means: changing the attitude towards digital devices and acknowledging that technology and mindfulness are not separate from one another. 😌

Here are some useful tips to start practicing Digital Mindfulness:

✅Be aware of your digital usage: consider how much time you spend on your device each day. Think of which digital tasks are non-negotiable and try to be more mindful of the time you spend on your device for any other tasks.

✅Reduce temptations by turning off unnecessary notifications.

✅Use technology also as a tool for intentional mindfulness itslef.